Create a list of objects of class "txseq".

txseq_list(..., start_line = c("first", "second"),
  mutation = c("unknown", "positive", "negative"))



Objects to form a list.


The starting line of treatmnet that is being modeled. When modeling second line treatment, the first line must be specified in order to characterize a treatment history; however, note that disease transition model cannot currently be simulated for models starting at second line because the evidence base is too limited.


T790M mutation status. If the model starts at first line, then this must be "unknown"; otherwise, if the model starts at second line, then the mutation status must be specified as either "positive" or "negative", since it will be known.


An object of class "txseq_list", which is a list of objects of class. start_line and mutation are stored as attributes.

See also


txseq1 <- txseq(first = "erlotinib", second = c("osimertinib", "PBDC"), second_plus = c("PBDC + bevacizumab", "PBDC + bevacizumab")) txseq2 <- txseq(first = "gefitinib", second = c("osimertinib", "PBDC"), second_plus = c("PBDC + bevacizumab", "PBDC + bevacizumab")) txseqs <- txseq_list(seq1 = txseq1, seq2 = txseq2) class(txseqs)
#> [1] "txseq_list"
#> $first #> [1] "erlotinib" #> #> $second #> pos neg #> "osimertinib" "PBDC" #> #> $second_plus #> pos neg #> "PBDC + bevacizumab" "PBDC + bevacizumab" #> #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "txseq"
#> $names #> [1] "seq1" "seq2" #> #> $class #> [1] "txseq_list" #> #> $start_line #> [1] "first" #> #> $mutation #> [1] "unknown" #>