Select the model structures to use in the IVI-RA individual patient simulation.

select_model_structures(tx_ihaq = "acr-haq", tx_iswitch = "acr-switch",
  cdmards_haq_model = "lcgm", ttd_cause = "all",
  ttd_dist = "exponential", utility_model = "mixture")



Model structure relating treatment to HAQ during the first 6 months of treatment. Options, which are equivalent to H1-H3 in the documentation are:

  • acr-haq H1: Treatment -> ACR -> HAQ

  • acr-eular-haq H2: Treatment -> ACR -> EULAR -> HAQ

  • haq H3:Treatment -> HAQ


Model structure relating treatment to switching during the first 6 months of treatment. Options, which are equivalent to S1-S6 in the documentation are:

  • acr-switch S1: Treatment -> ACR -> Switch

  • acr-das28-switch S2: Treatment -> ACR -> DAS28 -> Switch

  • acr-sdai-switch S3: Treatment -> ACR -> SDAI -> Switch

  • acr-cdai-switch S4: Treatment -> ACR -> CDAI -> Switch

  • das28-switch S5: Treatment -> DAS28 -> Switch

  • acr-eular-switch S6: Treatment -> ACR -> EULAR -> Switch


Model used for long-term HAQ progression. Options are:

  • lcgm Latent class growth model

  • linear Constant linear HAQ progression

If lgcm is chosen, then a latent class growth model is used for cDMARDs and NBT but a constant annual rate is is assumed for all other therapies; otherwise a constant linear HAQ progression is assumed for all therapies including cDMARDs and NBT.


Cause of treatment discontinuation. Options are:

  • all Treatment discontinuation due to any cause.

  • si Treatment discontinuation due to serious infections


Distribution used to model time to treatment discontinuaton. Options are:

  • exponential Exponential

  • weibull Weibull

  • gompertz Gompertz

  • gamma Gamma

  • llogis Log-logistic

  • lnorm Lognormal

  • gengamma Generalized gamma


Model used to estimate patient utility as a function of HAQ and patient characteristics. Options are:

  • mixture Hernandez Alava (2013) mixutre model

  • wailoo Wailoo 2006 logistc regression


mod.structs <- select_model_structures(tx_ihaq = c("acr-haq", "acr-eular-haq"), tx_iswitch = c("acr-switch", "acr-eular-switch"), cdmards_haq_model = c("lcgm", "linear"), ttd_cause = c("all", "si"), ttd_dist = c("gengamma", "exponential"), utility_model = c("mixture", "wailoo")) print(mod.structs)
#> tx_ihaq tx_iswitch cdmards_haq_model ttd_cause #> [1,] "acr-haq" "acr-switch" "lcgm" "all" #> [2,] "acr-eular-haq" "acr-eular-switch" "linear" "si" #> ttd_dist utility_model #> [1,] "gengamma" "mixture" #> [2,] "exponential" "wailoo" #> attr(,"class") #> [1] "model_structures"