Conduct a multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and compute scores for competing treatment strategies using output from a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA).

mcda(x, sample, strategy, criteria, criteria_min = NULL,
  criteria_max = NULL, optimal = NULL, weights, score_min = 0,
  score_max = 100)



A data.frame or data.table of simulation output characterizing the probability distribution of model outcomes.


Character name of column from x denoting a randomly sampled parameter set from the PSA.


Character name of column from x denoting treatment strategy.


A vector of character names of columns from x denoting the criteria to use in the MCDA.


A vector of minimum values for each criterion. If NULL, then the minimum value is computed automatically.


A vector of maximum values for each criterion. If NULL, then the maximum value is computed automatically.


A character vector denoting whether the optimal value of each criteria is "low" or "high". If an element is "low", then lower performance on that criterion is better, and, if an element is "high", then higher performance on that criterion is better. Must be specified if either criteria_min or criteria_min is NULL.


Weights to apply to each criteria. Internally normalized to sum to 1.


Minimum of total value score. Default is 0.


Maximum of total value score. Default is 100.

See also


n_samples <- 5 strategies <- c("Strategy 1", "Strategy 2") outcome1 <- c(rnorm(n_samples, mean = 10, sd = 5), rnorm(n_samples, mean = 8, sd = 4)) outcome2 <- c(rnorm(n_samples, mean = 1500, sd = 90), rnorm(n_samples, mean = 1000, sd = 100)) outcomes <- data.frame(sample = rep(1:n_samples, length(strategies)), strategy_id = rep(strategies, each = n_samples), criteria1 = outcome1, criteria2 = outcome2) # Performance matrix performance_mat <- performance_matrix(outcomes, strategy = "strategy_id", criteria = c("criteria1", "criteria2"), rownames = c("Criteria 1", "Criteria 2"), colnames = strategies) print(performance_mat)
#> Strategy 1 Strategy 2 #> Criteria 1 "8.82 (1.14, 15.55)" "3.77 (0.99, 6.83)" #> Criteria 2 "1,447 (1,316, 1,574)" "974 (822, 1,181)"
# MCDA weights <- c(.7, .3) mcda <- mcda(outcomes, sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy_id", criteria = c("criteria1", "criteria2"), weights = weights, optimal = c("low", "high")) names(mcda)
#> [1] "scores" "weighted_scores" "total_value" "prob_rank"
# Scores on common scale print(mcda$scores)
#> sample strategy_id criteria1 criteria2 #> 1: 1 Strategy 1 34.92297 79.33347 #> 2: 2 Strategy 1 100.00000 100.00000 #> 3: 3 Strategy 1 69.20929 81.52684 #> 4: 4 Strategy 1 0.00000 63.60754 #> 5: 5 Strategy 1 30.51387 86.45465 #> 6: 1 Strategy 2 99.16234 31.71191 #> 7: 2 Strategy 2 86.55179 49.55827 #> 8: 3 Strategy 2 58.46559 11.85367 #> 9: 4 Strategy 2 82.03813 0.00000 #> 10: 5 Strategy 2 72.69201 11.65839
# "Total value" print(mcda$total_value)
#> sample strategy_id score rank #> 1: 1 Strategy 1 48.24612 2 #> 2: 2 Strategy 1 100.00000 1 #> 3: 3 Strategy 1 72.90455 1 #> 4: 4 Strategy 1 19.08226 2 #> 5: 5 Strategy 1 47.29610 2 #> 6: 1 Strategy 2 78.92721 1 #> 7: 2 Strategy 2 75.45374 2 #> 8: 3 Strategy 2 44.48201 2 #> 9: 4 Strategy 2 57.42669 1 #> 10: 5 Strategy 2 54.38192 1
# "Total value" decomposed by criteria print(mcda$weighted_scores)
#> sample strategy_id criteria weighted_score #> 1: 1 Strategy 1 criteria1 24.446082 #> 2: 2 Strategy 1 criteria1 70.000000 #> 3: 3 Strategy 1 criteria1 48.446501 #> 4: 4 Strategy 1 criteria1 0.000000 #> 5: 5 Strategy 1 criteria1 21.359708 #> 6: 1 Strategy 2 criteria1 69.413638 #> 7: 2 Strategy 2 criteria1 60.586255 #> 8: 3 Strategy 2 criteria1 40.925914 #> 9: 4 Strategy 2 criteria1 57.426691 #> 10: 5 Strategy 2 criteria1 50.884407 #> 11: 1 Strategy 1 criteria2 23.800041 #> 12: 2 Strategy 1 criteria2 30.000000 #> 13: 3 Strategy 1 criteria2 24.458051 #> 14: 4 Strategy 1 criteria2 19.082263 #> 15: 5 Strategy 1 criteria2 25.936395 #> 16: 1 Strategy 2 criteria2 9.513574 #> 17: 2 Strategy 2 criteria2 14.867482 #> 18: 3 Strategy 2 criteria2 3.556100 #> 19: 4 Strategy 2 criteria2 0.000000 #> 20: 5 Strategy 2 criteria2 3.497517
# Probability of ranking print(mcda$prob_rank)
#> strategy_id rank N prob #> 1: Strategy 1 1 2 0.4 #> 2: Strategy 1 2 3 0.6 #> 3: Strategy 2 1 3 0.6 #> 4: Strategy 2 2 2 0.4